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Insurance FAQs Archives - Family Bank Limited, Kenya

What is an insurance claim?

An insurance claim is the actual application for benefits provided by an insurance company.

What should I do when I have an accident claim?
  • At the scene of accident try to obtain following details: date, time and place of accident.
  • Third party’s name, address, telephone number, registration number of the vehicle and extend of damage to their vehicle.
  • Do not admit liability or blame for the accident to anyone.
  • Where possible obtain details of independent witnesses to the accident.
  • Report the accident to the nearest police station within 24 hours. This is a requirement by law not only for insurance purposes.
What is policy excess?

The excess is the amount the client has to pay when he makes a claim as a contribution to the claim. It is also applied to minimise the small claims which might be costly for insurance to process.

What is a claim notification period?

The claim notification period is the period within which a claim needs to be reported to the insurance company after the claim occurs. If the claim is not reported to the insurance company within this time period, the Insurer will have the right to decline the claim. It is very important therefore that claims are advised to the agent (who ensures that the same is reported immediately to the insurance company), and all claim requirements completed, before the notification period expires.

What mandatory documents are required for a motor claim?
  • Duly completed claim form
  • Original police abstract
  • Copy of driver’s driving license
  • Copy of logbook in the insured’s name
  • Copy of driver’s identity card